Starter Template
- nuxt-community/adonuxt - Starter template for Nuxt.js with AdonisJS.
- nuxt-community/starter - Nuxt.js starter project template.
- nuxt-community/express - Starter template for Nuxt.js with Express.
- nuxt-community/koa - Starter template for Nuxt.js with KoaJS.
- nuxt-community/electron - Electron starter with nuxt.js.
- nuxt-community/pwa - PWA template for vue-cli based on the starter template.
- nuxt-community/typescript - Typescript starter with Nuxt.js.
- vueniverse - Vueniverse is a full-stack JavaScript starter project.
- liyanlong/nuxt-egg - Nuxt.js + Egg FrameWork.
- nuxt-community/micro - Starter Template for Nuxt.js with Micro instead of Express.
- nuxt-community/module-template - Starter template for Nuxt.js Modules.
- nuxt-community/nuxtent-template - Starter template for content heavy sites.
- cretueusebiu/laravel-nuxt - Nuxt.js + Laravel starter template with examples.
- nekdolan/express-hot - Starter template based on express-template using hot reload.
- vuetifyjs/nuxt - Nuxt.js + Vuetify.js starter project template.
- ckgrafico/frontend-boilerplates - Frontend Boilerplate using Nuxtjs + TypeScript + SASS + Some Frontend good practises.
- nurdism/electron-nuxt-boilerplate - Electron application boilerplate based on nuxt for rapid application development.
- wemake-vue-template - Bleeding edge
template focused on code quality and developer happiness. Including meaningful docs,flow
, andjest
. - galvez/nuxpress - Markdown blogging engine and boilerplate written in Nuxt.js.
- baisheng/nuxt-thinkjs3 - Nuxt.js + Thinkjs FrameWork.
- kavalcante/nuxt-element-apollo - Nuxt.js + Element (with custom Theme) + Apollo.
- mandaputtra/nuxtbulma-starter - Nuxt.js + Bulma project scafolding.
- bitkris-dev/bolide-nuxt-template - Question-based template (CSS framework choice + preinstalled modules).
- melrefaie/nuxt-cypress - Nuxt.js + Cypress starter project template.
- muhibbudins/nuxt-multiple - Nuxt.js starter template for Nuxt Multiple instance with Express Backpack, Element UI, Axios & Example APIs, SASS / SCSS Loader, Vuex Store.
- feathers-nuxt/template-app - Batteries included Sao template for full stack feathers and nuxt apps.
- exeteres/electron-nuxt-ts - Another Electron starter template with separation of the renderer process and the main process that fully written in TypeScript.
- muhibbudins/nuxt-coreui - Unofficial Nuxt + CoreUI project, free to use boilerplate for every need.
- Tarrask/sails-template - Starter template for Nuxt.js with Sails.js.
- tomimick/tm-nuxtjs-starter - A minimal starter/demo with axios/localstorage, SASS, static site export, live demo.
- Laranuxt boilerplate - Laravel + Nuxt.js using the official proxy module.
- marinaaisa/nuxt-markdown-blog-starter - Multilingual blog and portfolio starter using Nuxt and Markdown.
- GrabarzUndPartner/gp-vue-boilerplate - Professional agency frontend template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites by vuejs/nuxtjs.
- electron-nuxt - Electron quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding âš¡.
- nuxt-contentful-starter - Nuxt starter based on @contentful and @postcss.
- RKnuxtstarterkit - Nuxt.js starter template (axios, style resources module, modular vuex store, etc).
- bovas85/nuxt-headless - Boilerplate for Nuxt.js using Wordpress REST API as headless CMS.
- yashha/wp-nuxt-stack-starter - Opinionated starter featuring Wordpress integration and Nuxt Stack with basic SEO configuration, rss feed and sitemap.
- suf-stack/generator-suf-stack-aws-koa-nuxt - Serverless, Universal, Full-stack yeoman generator for AWS/Koa.js/Nuxt.js.
- hex-digital/nuxtpress - A modern Nuxt + headless WordPress starter kit; dockerised, SEO-friendly and with development and testing tools pre-integrated.
- mmoollllee/nuxt-starter-template – Template for basic static site generated marketing website.
- vinayakkulkarni/module-template-ava - Starter template for Nuxt.js Modules using Ava instead of Jest.
- rk-nuxt-atomic-design-starter - Atomic Design starter template for nuxt.js.